The Rock Creek Foundation

Developmental Disability Programs


At the Rock Creek Foundation (RCF), we value the dignity of each person, and we believe it’s not the disability that causes a problem – it’s a lack of adequate services or resources that prevent people with disabilities from gaining the opportunities to participate in everyday life. That’s why, for more than four decades, we have sought the most innovative ways to provide the support, the structure, and the stability to allow people with disabilities to grow and achieve an independent life of their own.


Our unique, groundbreaking programs and services are designed to encourage development and growth through ongoing, frequent contact within their community, such as:


  • Community Living: We promote an individual’s ability to engage and participate in appropriate community activities of their choice, in a supportive environment, while enabling the individual to develop the daily living skills needed for independent functioning and integration into community life.
  • Day Habilitation Services: Using integrated living, learning, working, and social environments to integrate individuals with a disability into the fabric of everyday community life.
  • Community Development Services: Providing integrated environments where people, including those who are retired, employed in the community less than 4 hours per day, or persons who want varying or alternate employment goals – to focus on job development, self-improvement, and health/wellbeing.
  • Employment Services: Facilitating employment opportunities that deliver real jobs in real industries for adults with severe and persistent mental illnesses and developmental disabilities.
  • Personal Support Services: We provide assistance for individuals to live independently in the least restrictive environment. Support services are provided on an individualized schedule and are designed to assist in building the necessary skills to maximize independence. These supports can be provided in the participant’s own home, family home, in the community, and at an individual competitive, integrated work site.


RCF can also provide assistance with additional DDA waivered programs, such as:

  • Home Trial Supports
  • Transportation
  • Respite Care Services
  • Supported Living
  • Family Supports
  • Family and Peer Mentoring
  • Family Caregiver Training and Empowerment Services
  • Participant Education, Training, and Advocacy Supports


We aim for an enlightened community that ensures that people with multiple disabilities have access to as many opportunities as possible and are treated with understanding, dignity, and respect. We also strive to make sure that all individuals and staff are dedicated and committed to improving the quality of the communities in which they live and serve.