The Rock Creek Foundation is a national pioneer in the fields of behavioral health services and developmental disabilities, and especially in the treatment of the dually-diagnosed, or individuals with developmental deficits and co-occurring psychiatric disorders. We take a holistic approach to improving the health and well-being of people living with multiple disabilities, as well as individuals with a singular diagnosis, based on our belief that growth and change are possible for each person. Our goal is to create and support opportunities that ensure that everyone can choose to participate in every aspect of life to the best of their abilities and desires.
Our unique, groundbreaking programs are designed to ensure that individuals can be integrated into existing community services whenever possible. These programs utilize a variety of skills and training resources, including health, recreational, social, and vocational, to enhance independent functioning and stimulate progress through levels of competence.
Our programs and services are designed to encourage development and growth through ongoing, frequent contact with non-disabled persons. They include: